Saturday, April 26, 2014


Today I learned about pronunciation 'p,f,b,v,w'.
They are not hard ~
But I had some confuse because of silent pronunciation.

And I wrote a fables.

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Today we study about etiquette.
Etiquette has many kind of
And each contury have different .
1.In u.s. , shouldn't to make sound when eat food

2.You should to make district when you talk with someone.
So, We made situation about rude behavior in publish.
My team made situation about etiquette in restaurant.
We did not succesful but we can enjoy .

Today I can feel my english problem .
I can't speak english freely .... I think ,I need more conversation.

About hunger game

Today we watched movie The hunger game in academy.
In the movie, there are game named hunger.
They choose 1woman, 1man  each city.
And start the game "hunger game"
They have to killed each other for survive.
And this game broadcast to everyone
It is terrible game but many people enjoy the game .
There is strange sociaty.
There are one pretty woman . She also participate the game for her younger sister.
She use bow very well. She is main charactor in the movie
Firstly  she scared about kill other people
But eventually she killed other people for survive.
I recognized what people is to do everythings for survive.

Grow up the plants

Wow!! Today~I can see a big change...
The baby seedling has be a big seedling~

It is baby seedling last week
It grows up!

But we had  some problum .The seedling is witling because too long it' body
So I tie their body with stick
Can you see the green tie?
Today some seedling dead.....because they couldn't drink water....
It's no good...
But! Some new seedling come out to world
Some plants do not wake up yet .
I'll observe continue